Teeth Crowding
It is the most common orthodontic problem and it occurs when there is no space in the jaw for all the teeth to fit normally. Usually, it is due to the mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaws, resulting in the teeth being crowded due to lack of space. Oral hygiene is not easy, and there is a high risk of tooth decay (caries). The more severe the crowding, the more serious the aesthetic problem.
Teeth Crowding
Teeth Crowding
Excessively crowded teeth lead to very crooked teeth, over time. This overcrowding leads to poor oral hygiene, as self-cleaning with saliva, brushing and flossing are inadequate, resulting in dental plaque, tooth decay and an increased risk of disease for hard-to-reach areas.
Teeth Crowding
Teeth Crowding
Ectopic Canines
Ectopic Canines
Teeth Spacing
It is the opposite of overcrowding. Sparse teething occurs when there is a lot of space in the jaw. The teeth have a sparse arrangement and there are large interdental spaces (gaps) between them. Spacing teeth can be located in part of or the entire dentition.
Causes of Teeth Spacing
Teeth Spacing
Teeth Spacing
The most common cause of appearance of spacing teeth is the mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaws, i.e the teeth are very small compared to the size of the jaws and thus, create spaces (gaps) between them. Another cause of spacing teeth is the presence of enclosed teeth or congenital missing teeth.
Treatment with orthodontic devices – Duration 18 months
Treatment with orthodontic devices for the expansion of upper and lower dentures and the seamless eruption of permanent teeth.