What are surgical extractions of teeth and roots
Surgical extraction is a daily dental procedure with many applications. When a tooth is enclosed or broken and its roots are deeply embedded in the bone, then it needs surgical extraction to come out.
What is required during the surgical extraction is delicate movements, good knowledge of the area’s anatomy, observance of the rules that govern the basic surgical technique and the dental surgeon’s experience, in order to make the procedure safe, almost bloodless and painless.
The main indications for surgical extraction
We usually operate surgically to extract teeth in cases where:
Enclosed or semi-enclosed wisdom teeth
The teeth that are most commonly enclosed are the wisdom teeth, which may be completely inside the bone or a part of them may have appeared in the mouth (semi-enclosed).
Wisdom teeth (or third molars) are the last teeth of the permanent dentition. Normally, they erupt after the age of 16-18 years, while, depending on the anatomy of the jaw, there are those that do not erupt at all and remain enclosed due to lack of space.
Finally, it is not uncommon for them to be completely absent from the permanent dentition. They may also have a crown and root of atypical morphology.
Extraction procedure in cases of enclosed and semi-enclosed wisdom teeth
Removal in both cases is almost the same and is performed surgically with topical anesthesia. After numbing the area, an incision is made over the gum covering the wisdom tooth. The wheel then removes the part of the bone that covers the tooth.
The tooth is then rocked gently until it is extracted from the jaw bone. Sometimes it is necessary to cut the tooth into two or more pieces. After the extraction, the incision is sutured. To avoid pain and swelling postoperatively, the doctor prescribes medication, usually 24 hours before surgery.
Surgical extraction using LASER
Generally, surgical extractions are performed with the usual dental (topical) anesthesia. We use LASER to make incisions in the gums and the bone in order to find the tooth and as soon as we find it, we remove it with gentle movements. If a large gap has been created in the bone, then we use growth factors and stem cells from the patients themselves to fill the gap and recontruct a new bone there.
The use of LASER for incisions and the use of growth factors and stem cells for reconstruction, make the process painless and non-traumatic, accelerate the regeneration of the area and eliminate the possibility of infections or complications.